
伍晃榮 1940 - 2008

很少名人的逝世會令我感到可惜, 伍晃榮是其中一位.

2008年4月17日, 當無線的六點半新聞正在現場直播奧運聖火於印度傳遞時,鏡頭突然回到錄影廠, "各位, 剛剛收到的消息, 資深體育記者伍晃榮於瑪嘉列醫院病逝,終年68歲." 鏡頭並沒有移走, 主播此時眼有淚光, 垂下頭, 卻發現鏡頭仍對著他, 於是只好說 "新聞報導完, 再會."

那兩三秒間, 錄影廠, 很靜.

伍晃榮,於1940年6月24日出生於澳門,1949年移居香港。 1960年中五畢業後到《英文虎報》當體育記者,後以半工讀形式完成大學進修課程;1962年起到商業電台當港聞記者,1975年轉職到麗的電視(即亞 視前身),五年後當體育記者;1982年1月1日再轉職無綫繼續當體育記者和體育新聞主播至2005年6月30日

其他 youtube 上有關伍晃榮的資料:



Pak Tam Chung Country Park - 北潭涌郊野公園

It was the 2nd day of the Ching Ming Festival long weekend in Hong Kong. We headed towards the North East of Hong Kong for some slight exploration. Eventually we bumped into Pak Tam Chung Country Park - 北潭涌郊野公園, which to my surprise was not really crowed on such a fine day as compare to Sai Kung etc.

We found ourselves a good parking spot and then headed towards the family trail. The weather was just gorgeous with a lovely blue sky and green trees. We spent over 30 minutes for photography on a stone bridge at the entrance of the trail and on a little rock bay down below the bridge.

The trail was quite a short one and we finished our trip in about an hour. It seems that we can walk towards Plover Cove Country Park - 船灣郊野公園 if we do not enter the family trail. We will certainly give it a try on another day.

See more photos from my album.


Sakura Blossom at Hong Kong?!

I bet not many of us know there are a few locations in Hong Kong which do have sakura blossom! The Kwan Tai Temple (關公忠義亭) at Cheung Chau is one of them. The good thing about the Cheung Chau blossom is that it's timing is quite stable and if you can go during a weekday like me then you won't have to fight with many other visitors to get a nice place for photography.

This is however the first time for me to take Sakura. One of my friend told me that Sakura without a blue sky is hard to take. I fully agree with his comment after this attempt. It's much harder to grasp a nice composition and to get the right exposure without a blue sky.

While going to Japan for sakura blossom may takes you 4-5 days of annual leave, going to Cheung Chau may only takes you half or at most 1 day of...you know...sick leave. Do give it a try next year!

More from my album: http://www.fotop.net/tamwaikay/cheungchausakura