
Home Balcony

We made ourselves a nice balcony at home during the renovation 2 years ago. We knew that it's an illegal structure but as 94 out of 96 units at our building made such a balcony, we've decided to take the risk. In any event, our buildings are full of senior officers from the government and we thought it's unlikely that the Building Department will investigate our building in the near future.

Unfortunately we've got an Order from the Building Department a few weeks ago, which means that it's time for us to remove the balcony and reinstate what our apartment looks like. It's quite sad for us as the balcony did add a lot of lighting and freshness to our home. Anyway what we can do now is to take some nice photos for the balcony while it still last.

More from my album: www.fotop.net/tamwaikay/balcony
